Sunday, February 21, 2016

ALL IN on Flexible Seating and Why You Should Be Too: A Principal's Perspective

Here I sit…correction, here I stand at my standing desk in my office just over five months into the first year of Legacy Elementary’s existence. I recently returned from our state’s administrative midwinter conference, which provided some excellent professional development as well as time to network with colleagues from around the state. I thought quite a bit  while networking with others as well as on my drive to and from the conference. Amongst other things I pondered some of the various initiatives we have implemented and accomplished here at Legacy and the many exciting things still on the horizon…namely flexible seating!

Health, Wellness and Fitness Forward thinking has been one of the biggest undertakings here at Legacy this year. During my tenure as principal at a neighboring school in our district last year, I started to dabble with flexible seating…mostly in the area of standing desks and workstations for students, as well as standing desks for my administrative assistant and I. The overall idea of basic level flexible seating for students was primarily to help our kids recognize, then try and figure what to do with the extra energy many possessed during class time, along with developing more active and alert students, as well as creating healthy lifelong habits.

During the process of putting together my staff here at Legacy last spring and summer one teacher in particular, Kayla Delzer, was interested in both being a part of Legacy Elementary and creating flexible/personalized learning environment for students. She had recently transformed her classroom to a more all-encompassing flexible seating arrangement with various seating options both with what to sit on and where students could sit during class. She referred to it as an almost “coffee shop” type environment, and wrote about it in her EdSurge column.
While putting together my staff for the soon to be opening Legacy Elementary I was also working with an individual, Rory Beil, and a very supportive foundation (Dakota Medical Foundation) here in Fargo that had an opportunity for a “Breakthrough Grant” idea. The stars were definitely starting to align to do something unique and special at Legacy Elementary! Though we have actually worked on and received support via five different grants this year all centered on health, wellness and fitness forward thinking, flexible seating was funded largely through this breakthrough grant.
Good...great...grand...wonderful…but what benefits are there to flexible seating you may be wondering?

Legacy students have choice with where they will sit each day and the type of seating option they choose. Every room does have chairs or stools available, along with a variety of other options. Students can choose from hokki stools, core disks, standing tables, carpet and yoga mats, stability balls or crate seats and students also always have an option to work at a standing table, similar to The Genius Bar at the Apple Store. There are short term health benefits to this in burning more calories each day, higher metabolism, better oxygen flow to the brain, improved core strength and appropriate posture. Long-term positive effects that admittedly our students are not as focused on at this point in their lives center around lowering one's chances of high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. I hear more and more throughout the chiropractic and medical professions that long stretches of uninterrupted sitting is the new smoking. Chiropractors also report that sitting in a traditional seat is one of the worst positions for your spine.  There are also studies on how certain positions such as laying on your stomach on say a carpet square or yoga mat can improve penmanship

One important area to focus on when thinking about flexible seating is the planning behind it. We spent considerable time as teams and as a building staff talking, thinking, and planning what exactly we wanted for flexible seating, why we wanted it and its purpose. A different seating apparatus does not make for better teaching or a more engaged classroom. I actually feel that flexible and student choice seating take even more planning and classroom management than a traditional classroom. Once in place and expectations are established though, the results and culture of one’s room and building will truly be a good way!
The research and data are there to look at, read about, and ultimately support why from a scientific approach this makes sense. Data such as this are important in grant writing as well as helping parents, students, and staff understand why this is so important for our kids. Personally, I feel that one of the most important reasons we do this is not maybe as easy to measure on paper or with statistics, but make no mistake about it…you can feel it! Empowering students via Leadership opportunities, after all, are foundational pieces here at Legacy. The student-choice benefit behind flexible seating is that it helps students become more self-aware of what types of seating and environment helps them learn best. And, of course they are empowered by the opportunity to have choices. We are looking to have every part of our building a “destination zone!” Students cannot wait to get to their classroom, they cannot wait to get to the media center, the art room, the music room, PE, a reading intervention or resource room. When you have this sort of energy in each room then you have a destination building for students and staff! A place where students and staff wake up each morning thinking and saying we GET to go there, not we HAVE to go!
The real kicker when you create this environment is that students are engaged, behavior issues are minimal, learning is happening and academic scores are improving! Imagine all of this happening along with creating and fostering lifelong healthy habits that kids will take with throughout their entire lives as well as passing this on to their children one day. That is what leaving a Legacy is all about and what we are trying to instill each and every day throughout all Legacy Lion stakeholders!
We often hear that the world is changing, but schools have not. I would agree and disagree with this. There are definitely many buildings, classrooms and individuals that are entrenched more in a reactive approach to education as opposed to proactive. I have, however, seen so many innovative schools and individuals leading those schools, be it principals, teachers, classified staff, students or parents. I also know that flexible seating is not rocket science and many teachers and buildings are dabbling in trying this with a couple new options here or there. That being said, if you have read this blog post and are motivated or saying to yourself…yes I love this, my kids would love this, our school would embrace this,  then I say go for it!
I work very hard not to just do things because it might be new or trendy. I research and analyze data, look at the ideal culture I/we want to create, and as Stephen Covey would say, keep kids as the end in mind with all decisions. Once I have this information and vision my eyes and mindset are 100% forward and full steam ahead! I embrace the opportunity to be the first foot prints in creating a new path that will afford others an opportunity to follow if they so choose. I understand the challenges in funding ideas, initiatives, and dreams such as this. I will, however, say in my next breath that if something is good for kids and can transform their lives not only for the short time we have them, but for their entire lives then I will do anything in my power to create this Personalized Learning environment for our kids to learn and thrive in. I say this to my staff often that we are not creating “Legacy Habits” for our kids, but rather “LIFE Habits!”

Where we have been…

Where we are going!

Connect with Jason on Twiter.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Kaia! Hope you are doing well and having a great year!

  2. Jason,

    Thank you for sharing what your school has been doing around flexible seating. You mentioned that flexible seating takes more management and planning. I support new teachers in California and we are encouraging them to use flexible seating and I am wondering what support your teachers have needed as they have tried the flexible seating?

    Stacey Tisor

    1. Hi Stacey,
      I'd love to visit with you more about this if interested as there are definitely different things to consider with staff be it new or more seasoned. Feel free to email me if you want to connect -


  3. Thank you for sharing. It is definitely what I'm looking for. May I ask you about the budget in creating such wonderful classroom? What about the classroom rules?

    1. Hello,
      I have funded flexible seating almost exclusively through a wonderful foundation in Fargo (Dakota Medical Foundation). They have a huge focus on health and wellness in our community, thus we have partnered in working towards creating a school with many of these important principals of short and long-term health and wellness in place for others to consider. Hope that helps!

  4. This is a great article!
    What do you recommend when it comes time to taking tests? Just make certain their seating choices are far away enough from one another and use clipboards? Or move to a different classroom with desks?
    Thank you for your time, and valuable information.

    1. Hello,
      Good question. Tests and the more computer lab type standardized assessments are things to consider. We have played around with both spaces and to be honest there is some flexibility with that as well. Largely the learning environment we have worked to create for our students is the best place for them to exist in, which includes tests/assessments. You may have to get creative on how that looks, but again I would have this built into your classroom flexible seating NORMS I would encourage you to create as a group and review daily with a student Leader leading this. Hope that helps!

  5. I really enjoy reading and also appreciate your work.

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  6. I love the idea and am going to try this approach in my classroom this term. (I am in South Africa) Would it be possible for you to indicate what difficulties the teachers needed to overcome or what needed to be adjusted from the teachers point of view. I realize and have read that more planning and good classroom management will need to take place, but was wondering if you had any specifics to share with us or any ideas what worked particularly well? Many thanks in advance.

    1. Hi there...South Africa...awesome!

      I would say age or grade level makes a difference. The younger the student you may want to roll things out slower... one new seating style at a time. When you do have a plan for all to try it out and see what works best for them.

      Definitely look to create classroom flexible seating NORMS for you class and I recommend a student Leader reviewing these on a daily basis.

      Hope that helps! Good luck and go for it!

  7. I am all on board with flexible seating and so is my principal. However, he has the typical question of what about standardized testing time. How will the kids be ready or familiar if the day-to-day is flexible. As a principal, how do you address this concern. My kiddos take 2 80 minutes sessions for ELA and 2 more 80 minutes sessions for math. They are supposed to be in rows.

    1. One possibility would be to transition back to traditional desks a few weeks before a standardized test. Another would be to utelize table dividers if that is where students are sitting. You can also provide movement breaks (siting exercises/standing, stretching if they are not used to sitting for an extended period of time).

    2. Hello,
      Good question. We have tried multiple ways....stay in the classroom with flexible seating, go to computer lab, etc. To be honest this should be flexible as well depending on what is best for you KIDS...not the adults.

      Honestly...the environment you have worked to create in your classroom is probably the best to assess them in. I would highly recommend creating classroom flexible seating NORMS as a group. I would also have a student look to Lead and review these daily. In those norms I would include what things look like for assessment time.

      I agree with Rebekah in always having movement time throughout any teaching, learning or assessing. Hope that helps!

  8. I'm curious if there is any research on how the students perform when they move up to a grade level where flexible seating isn't an option.

    1. Great question. One I have wondered myself and may look into finding ways to get my hands on some of that trend data.

    2. I have questioned and worried about the same question, as I have Flexible Seating in my classroom too, going on the 2nd year now. I have decided and read, that we can only focus on the school year that we have our students. Just like intervention, we can wonder if the next teacher will help foster and implement needed intervention for specific kiddos. All we can do is focus on the year we have our students. Good luck!

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  10. Jason,
    Just reading this for the first time after having seen some of these things in action at Legacy. Thanks for being such a forward thinking leader and allowing staff to try new things and supporting them as they do. As leaders we need to always remind our kids and teachers that it may not always work just right the first time so we keep trying til we get it right. I tell them fail is really First Attempt In Learning. Success comes from lots of those first attempts!

  11. Jason,
    Just reading this for the first time after having seen some of these things in action at Legacy. Thanks for being such a forward thinking leader and allowing staff to try new things and supporting them as they do. As leaders we need to always remind our kids and teachers that it may not always work just right the first time so we keep trying til we get it right. I tell them fail is really First Attempt In Learning. Success comes from lots of those first attempts!

    1. Thanks so much for the kind words and support Jerry! You are a great example of living the growth mindset as well. Thanks for your inspiration and vision also!

  12. Jason,

    I am a middle school teacher and was wondering if you have implemented this approach with older students. If so, how does it work?

    Thank you,

    1. Hello,
      We go up to 5th grade here at Legacy, but to be honest I think there is even more power in doing this with older students. Remember that as you look at and choose different types of seating options that you go slow to go fast. Introduce maybe one at a time or if you have multiple have a plan for how they each need to try them all out.

      Also I would highly recommend creating classroom flexible seating norms and have a student Leader review these daily. Hope that helps a bit. I say go for it!

  13. Great information!! thanks, great read!!

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  15. I really enjoyed your article . I will be trying this for th new school year. I would be interested in how you handle class room management .i will have traditional desk nd the FS.. Do you have suggestions on how to allow who get to sit int the FS space?
    Arneè W. Jr. High Social Studies

    1. Hello and thanks for the kind words. I would remember that different age levels have to happen at different speeds. Maybe look to bring in one different type of seating at a time. Always look to create classroom flexible seating NORMS. This is non-negotiable here at Legacy. Also have a classroom Leader review these daily. Go slow to go fast and you will get it! Hope that helps!

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  17. I have a kindergarten teacher applying for a grant to include additional flexible seating in her classroom. Your article helped immensely in providing justification for ordering these pieces for the classroom. You provided additional insight that we, as a District, had not considered. Thanks!

  18. Great! This content is innovative, there are a lot of new concept,it gives me creativity.I think I will also motivated by you and think about more thoughts. office seating for sale in west palm beach

  19. I have allowed my 5th grade teaching team to transition to flexible seating. My question is this: In a flexible seating environment, do you allow students to lay under tables and desks, things strung all over the room? This is what I am seeing and I am very happy about the entire idea of flexible seating. The rooms are nothing but loud chaos. Students are rolling around on balls, balancing their Chromebooks on and off the floor while they try to type. I sat down at a table to conduct an informal observation and to my surprise, there were two boys under the table on smashed bean bags, a place where the view to the front of the class is obstructed by other seating and students. My only thought is that perhaps this not not what flexible seating is intended to be. Can you enlighten me?

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  24. I love the post you wrote and I totally agree with you. I recently won a grant for "Wobble Stools" for my class but I want to further...

    My question is...I currently teach well would a flexible seated classroom work with science labs since our school does not have actual labs to work in?

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